All Things Dracula: A Bibliography of Editions, Reprints, Adaptations, and Translations of Dracula
0 comments at 1:22 AM"As the twenty-first century begins, it no longer seems necessary to make a case for Dracula, the horror tale composed by Bram Stoker at the end of the Victorian Era in England. It has received ample recognition as one of the truly great horror stories of Western fiction, it is regularly the subject of academic courses ranging for gothic fiction to modern mythology, and a century after its original publication remains in print in a host of editions, adaptations, and translations.
This modest project traces the editions and printings of Dracula in the English language, lists the books and various media (film drama, audio recording, etc.) into which Bram Stoker's account of Dracula has been adapted, tracks the translation of Dracula into the several dozen languages in which it has appeared, and surveys a set of material which has been directly inspired by the text and its vampire star. This list was initially developed from the collection of the author, but would have not been possible without the additional references to the very extensive collections of Robert Eighteen-Bisang, Massimo Introvigne, and Bob and Melinda Hayes (the latter posted on Melinda's extensive website ( Between them, these four sources contain copies of almost every English-language printin"
"What's a Vampire?
According to tradition, a vampire is a person who does not die, an 'un-dead,' whose corpse rises from the grave at night and seeks to suck the blood of the living. The vampire must return to the grave at dawn.
Excommunicated people, unbaptized children, criminals, babies born with teeth, witches, magicians, and the seventh son of a seventh son can all become vampires.
Various methods have been used to protect against vampires. Driving a stake of ash or aspen wood through the heart during the daylight hours will kill one. Until 1823, when it was made illegal, it was common practice in England to drive a stake through the heart of suicides. In Romania, red-hot bars were often used. The vampire's body whould then be burned or reburied at a crossroads.
In Eastern Europe, vampires are believed to be afraid of garlic. Farm animals can be rubbed with garlic to protect them, while garlic often hangs from doors and windows to keep vampires out. Anyone who does not like garlic can be suspected of being a vampire.
Thorns of wild roses will also keep vampires away. Because vampires are compulsive counters, poppy seeds are often tossed around cemeteries, so that when the vampire awakes, he will spend the night counting and be forced to return to the grave before dawn.
Vampires dislike mirrors and si"